
Friday, December 8, 2006

There wasn't enough stress here appearantly ....

Well, as it is, I guess that I have to be taught something. I just haven't figured out what yet. My life isn't stressful enough yet with out adding more to it.

Today we were contacted by a lawyer about our house. Seems the sellers (Tim and Mary Sullivan) sold the land we have now,  to us as well as to his sister up the hill from us. So now I have to get my self a good attorney which I CANNOT afford right now as well as pay for more appraisals and surveyors to come out to the house. I am so pissed off, let me tell you. This house is more a pain in my ass than anything, and I am really beginning to hate it.  All thanks to Tim and Mary Sullivan of Tomah, Wisconsin who have tried to screw with us on more than this one occasion. I know I have to have faith in the lord, and I do try, but is hard when this stuff keeps happening to me. I know the lord has a plan ... but I sure do wish I knew what it was. I should have never ever started to talk to her, they must have seen me coming. Why are people so dishonest ???? I just don't understand.

Other than that, I was able to get some laundry done today, got the dishwasher loaded, cleaned up just a little, went grocery shopping and picked a few things for Christmas gifts and some odds and ends...all I can afford basically. TOTALLY not me, but this year HAS really, really blown ass so I will be so happy when it is over! I sure hope that 2007 is better and has my usual vacation in it. (duh...guess who insisted we not go last July....Tim and Mary !) BTW ... For those of you who don't know we rented this house first, gutted it to the brick and re-did the whole thing with the stipulation of them selling us the house. We did all this for them and basically were thier puppets for a year of our renting. They were very controlling people and by my guess still are wanting control. They didn't like that we cleared the land (3 acres) that came with the house , we cut down trees etc, then we mowed, and started clearing all within the first weeks after closing in September. They said getting thier first house was awful and I guess they wanted to make us feel the same. The did not like it at all that I stayed home with my kids, they have 2, however 1 is retarted and the other is in college in N.Y. ... so anyways, they who both work two jobs would command to me to get a job ... although I stood my ground to stay home. I do not think unless it is necesary that a mother should work, so I stay home....last I looked this WAS America...I do have that right don't I ? I mean I do not see working and working and working to just "buy stuff"...it is so materialistic, and that is SO not me ! I hate money and it is the root of all evil. My family will ALWAYS come first, and if money finds me somewhere along the way so be it, but god did not put me here to be a money hoar.

But do you see what I mean ? So many people here are not liking us and they are so weird. (Like our last landlord; Jana Koboski) They all have bi-polar disorder and thier all alchohaulics too...with 7 bars/pubs being on one block that should tell you how life is here. I am not a drinker ..never have been never will be, I have never been drunk and I do not see the point so needless to say I have very little friends here. Maybe one. I had one person tell me that the women here are jealous of me, but I do not know why.... they can make the same choices as I do, no one clubs them to make them work or to drink ... so seems very immature to me. I have no time for that.

Well, I am going to go, Had enough of this today ... I guess I have vented enough of my stresses for one day ! Sorry, But thanks for listening to me blab !

Take Care all ... talk soon.


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