
Friday, December 8, 2006

I am back and it is soooo cold !!!!!

Well, everyone I am back, but I am sooo cold. It is 7 degrees here right now outside...(think that is -10 celsius, I'm still learning) I am freezing and I can't seem to get warm ! I really have to stop thinking of all the places it is nice out right now, but it is soo hard !

Besides that, I have been trying to stay busy and decorate for Christmas. I have been really stressed out as it seems that they are more bills this month than any other so far and I just do not have the money to pay them ! What makes it worse is holiday shopping, I love holiday shopping and this year I have had to seriously curb that...wow, It is killing me ! I love giving gifts and seeing people be happy, but this year I just can't afford it. It sucks ! For the first time my kids will be lucky to even see a few things under our tree. I know they aren't too mindful though, we've sent gifts to others before in similar situations, so I know they'll understand. I am seriously going to be sorry though if I don't get my bills paid, people for the most part; DO NOT care whether or not you have the money, they just want it paid and paid yesterday... but there is nothing I can do if the money is not there. I have worked hard on fixing our credit after the identity theft in 2002, but now it is all for sh**. I dunno, I really need a BIG prayer ! I have applied for jobs here, but no one is calling, I have things for sale on eBay, but no one is buying. I have however had several job offers from friends in Australia though...but I cannot afford to get there or have a house to live in. After checking the price of a qantas ticket to Sydney and outlying areas...OMG....No way I can afford that ! Lord, I dunno...I suppose there is a reason for everything, but I sure don't know what it is ! All in good time I guess...just need to pray, lord will handle it when HE'S ready.

Sorry just needed to vent obviously!  Don't get me wrong, just sounds SO tempting with it being summer there and me hating winter so much. I would actually probably go, anyone who knows me knows that, but money is always the end issue.

Well, I have to go for tonight, I am so glad that the puter got fixed and I can be back online....atleast one prayer got answered ! Friends REALLY have helped me through some stressful times. I am SOOOO thankful for that ~ Thank ALL of you who listen and talk to me. It is nice to know that I can talk to someone out there!


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