
Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today is seemingly a nice quiet day so far. Making it one that I am enjoying and that makes me a little less then motivated to do anything.

I have been feeling so exausted lately, even still I have been getting a good amount of things done. That makes me happy, however, I can't wait though to get my new vaccuum, since my other one broke it has been two days since I last vac'd the house. I feel so dirty. lol. I swept up the basement though and was able to clean up the kitchen really well. It always seems though that missing one thing out of my day - messes me up a little .. funny how I'm not scedulized all that much. HA.

Schooling the last few days has been kinda lax .. we are feeling a mull of boredom. The kids want to get out and go places and winter makes it hard to do that. They dont want to go into the snow, but want to go out .. it make no sence. Cabin fever I guess.

So to solve the dull times we had thoughts of going to Kalahari in the Dells here this weekend. ( http://www.kalahariresorts.com/wi/ )
We had last gone there last spring and had such a very wonderful time ! I think the kids would love going back and it would help the 'itch' to just get out and about.

One issue we are having with that though is that the van - the one that broke the belt the other night. Didn't JUST break the belt. SIGH. Adam went out to go to work the next morning and well ... it wouldn't go. So ... fun, fun. With work being over time the last few days he has had to get a ride to work and hasn't had time to look at it. We are hoping that he has the time today. He thinks it is some pulley that broke or something, but I have no idea what he is talking about. Whatever - he says it isn't much to fix, so that is good.

I know I will be happy when spring gets here though. I love being outside and the fresh air. I don't think it will be that long till it gets here though, even though it is cold out - winter here this year, seems not to be so bad.

Besides that, I guess I don't have much to say. Kinda just a mundane day. I am just so tired feeling and bllllaaaaah.... out of energy with everything and the allergies and headaches I have been getting are pretty bad. What is weird though is that I seem to get them at the same time every evening. Must be pshycological.. lol. I think it must just be as I said ... winter blues.

So, hope that you all are well... I have lots more to say (as always) but wow, I think I will go take a nap.



  1. I hate getting cabin fever. We went to the zoo today. If hubby has off + the weather is nice we try to get outside + do something. Hope you get to go to waterpark over the weekend. Have a great night!
