
Monday, January 18, 2010

The 'JIST' of it ...

In my last blog, I went into some of the aspects of why I am - or how I became the person I am today. Through the years I have had my fair share of bad things happen to me and also made plenty of mistakes. I am far from perfect and at one point I am sure as far from it as one could get.

So the point to my blog here is not to show I am better than anyone, but only to share my thoughts and feelings on how my life has changed. I am human and understand far more than I am ever given credit for. In years past I always wondered why the things that happend to me - did. I don't want that for myself anymore. I hope to be able to look back and see why they happened and learn to grow to (gulp) be thankful for them - hopefully seeing how they may have helped me.

I guess that goes for the way you look at anything in life. No matter what happens to you - it all just depends on how we view it, as to the outcome we recieve. Whether you are Christian or not or even share my beliefs, means very little. Although I am not trying to "recruit" anyone, you do have to know that deep down I do pray for my friends savlvation and happiness in life. I dont insist that everyone who is my friend share my beliefs - but just that if you want to remain my friends that you let me speak my mind. Sure, you may have a differeance of opinion and you are allowed that, as am I. Here I hope to find no drama - only the right to speak my mind and share what I have come to believe.

If one chooses not to like what I have written, don't condemn me, as I wouldn't you .. instead think about it, maybe it is being brought to your attention for a reason or it is something that you need to hear. It is all in how you view it. Don't always walk in YOUR shoes, try to think of things from another perspective and learn to enjoy the veiw.

The reason I write the above, is main frame to the old blogs I have kept, that in some form has stirred some weirdo type of controversy. Such as our belief to no longer allow our children to celebrate Halloween, or the fact that we WILLINGLY allow the Lord choose the size of our family. The fact that I for one am a firm Pro Life believer or that our family does not allow our daughters to date, but to instead "court".

In today's ideological society of SELF, it has become the overwhelming concern to do what others are doing first before standing up for what is right. Ahem, but then you have some one like me - the goer against the grainer, the beater of thier own drum and the type that tends to rile up others because they choose NOT to follow them it becomes a token of something understood.

People don't like others that don't follow, because in the US, lets face it, the truth is to find the few that stand for something they believe in and won't back down is few and far between. To me - however it is like breathing. As an example of how I have always thought and been I shall share this: When I was little and was told about fire - about how not to go into a burning room, feel the doors and if a room is on fire you should crouch low and NOT breathe the smoke. Well that IS right ! But to those people who smoke, did this not make sence to you ? Is it NOT the EXACT same thing ? I took it to mean that - at that young age .. and BOTH my parents smoked. Now, you controversial people you, I am not saying you are wrong, you have the right to personal discission, however again, I do as well and I am sharing mine.

So you see, in life people can take ONE thing and view it in several different ways. In my blog here, I hope to open the thought process of a few up and hope to make them realize that THIER way is NOT the only way of thinking about something. Whether or not I help anyone or make others feel differently is kinda irrevelant at this point and not why I want to blog about my beliefs, I just feel led to do so.

To me, after all we are all a part of this Earth and should not spend what little time we have here fighting over trivial issues, but instead learn to accept others as they are or wish to be.



  1. I do have a courting question. How does she find guys to court her? Is there a church nearby with like-minded people?

    Also what about your oldest son? Is he allowed to date or is he only allowed to court too?
    Just curious ;)

  2. I had to laugh as I read the part about courting. I was actually talking about this the other day, when I was out with my brother, mother, and a friend of my mom's. When I finished explaining our stance on dating vs courtship, my brother just sort of rolled his eyes and said, "Well, isn't that quaint." And my mom's friend just laughed and said, "Oh, wait til your daughters hit about 13 or so..."

    I was just like, well, guess what, you don't know my daughters, you don't know how they have been raised and taught. They are not your typical American girls and I don't foresee any problems with them and courtship.

    Alas, most people think courting is outdated. I think we could use a lot more of "outdated" things in this world :o)

  3. Heather .. I totally agree. I get that alot and people just roll thier eyes at me as well.

    Kim .. My son chose all on his own to 'as he says' never give his heart away until the one intended comes along. He had a girlfriend named Tiffany that he had been courting since grade 5 when we lived in Indiana, when she decided to break it off to 'explore her options' he said he would NEVER do that again.

    Brittany has met a few boys, but none that we would ever consider right for courting. Some are through old friends that we have been trying to deminish, and like one or two are from church. I am glad that it really isnt an issue, but then again she isn't very interested anyway.
