The Metal Lunchbox ...
Long ago (okay, early 1980's) in a far off place (not really) called Lowell, Indiana; a young girl was growing up, going to school and having loads of fun along the way.
Now, as we all know ... there are no longer those good old metal lunchboxes that we all carried long ago at one time or another to eat our lunches at school with and mine was no exception. I had carried a "Strawberry Shortcake" lunchbox throughout 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. Everyday for school; as I can still remember every detail; I would go to get on the bus a few steps from my home and ride to school...traveling to "Oak Hill Elementary" taking my lunchbox; with lunch inside, to put into my cubby - where it sat until we were called to sit and eat it. I can remember the Gym where we'd all eat, and inside the tables, which folded up neatly into the walls and would be let out for us to eat on during lunch then retucked back into the wall after everyone was done. Shaped long and rectangular, they were light greenish in color and as I sat everyday with my lunchbox. I can remember the slight excitement as to what would be packed inside everyday for me. Just what had my mom into the box for me to eat today ? Did I have something the other kids would think was gross or would I have something that all the other kids wanted to have ?
Well; to be honest, I do not remember just any particular things that my mom HAD included in my box for the days ahead to eat, but I DO remember ONE thing, One thing that she did everyday, just for me, just because.
My mother throughout my childhood (atleast the years of the lunchbox) had always included a note for me to read and I can remember when I wasn't that good of a reader, that there were alot more drawings of hers. My mother was practical; as she'd make sure to write every note on a napkin to which she'd hoped I would wipe my face off with. However, Unbeknownst to her, I kept almost everyone of them instead.
I still have my little, old, metal lunchbox, and tucked inside are a bunch of fine memories that I had from times long ago. My favorite memory of mine; is that from my mother. Still today ... tucked inside ... are most of these little notes that she had written to me, a small stack for me to cherish my childhood memories with.
Who knew that 23 years or so later, that I would still appriciate the small things that she did for me. Even though, there were times that she couldn't, I will always remember the small things. I remember them because they meant alot to me. They did not cost money and She did not have to do these things, nor did it take a lot of time throughout her day to do, just a second or two, but the kindness of that second or two has lasted a life time.
Thank You Mom, for taking that time to think of me through out your days when I was young. It meant soo very much to me, even of I never really did show it.
I hope that everyone can realize that it IS the small things, things that we do not have to do that make memories for people and the small things that mean so very much.
I decided to write this today to be more inspirational to people and not be such a bummer, sure sharing my days are great, but thus; so also are sharing my memories.
I hope that you enjoyed !
I will write again soon !
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