
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Is There Spagetti In Heaven ?

  Do you ever let your mind wander ? Sometimes my mind acts like a caged animal and when it really gets to thinking, the things it can think are all too silly.

 It started with an episode my husband and I watched the other day of Andy Griffith. The episode was of when Goober forgot to tell Andy about all the dinners that he thought he was or wasn't to go to and they all ended up being spaghetti dinners. So, being my natural self ... it set my mind to thinking. The first thought, left me wondering just how much spaghetti they had to eat to tape the show ? Which quickly then turned into thoughts of how much spaghetti could one eat, period ? Now you have to know that I cannot just think of one thing. When I think one one thing, it will almost always be followed by 10 other things adding to the first thing, which then can make a person think too much on the first thing they were thinking about to begin with.

 Either way, I got to the basis of all my questions, being the theory that I was thinking of mortality again, and I do think on it often, but not to be morbid. I guess have questions much the same as anyone else does. I had begun to think that it wasn't but a couple months back I had heard of Andy Griffiths' passing away. He sure looked awful happy to be eating spaghetti on his show .. so you think he enjoys spaghetti in heaven ?

 It is funny how one line of thought for me, can instantly spawn into series of questions or thoughts along the same line of thinking. In turn it can make my mind wander for hours if I let it. I mean, after all.., imagine all the possibilities !?  Do you really think we will miss the foods we favor here in this life, once we are gone ? Will be ever be able to enjoy those little things like a spaghetti dinner again, or is it just now that something so simple as spaghetti is something we all too often take for granted ?

  I was thinking of making a list of my most favorite things to eat and while most know I am extremely picky, I do imagine I would be missing spaghetti. How do we ever picture any other life, than the one we have known, doing anything other than what we have done and especially not eating the things you have always liked ? It is hard for me to imagine something as small as NOT eating a plate of spaghetti, with bread sticks, possibly a small salad and a nice tall glass of soda as something I wouldn't be able to enjoy. It has texture, and taste that all together trigger memories. Isn't that something so wonderful !? 
 So, Lets think on this, what really happens when we go to Heaven ? Do you think we get to enjoy our favorite foods or sit with the people who have effected our lives the most ? Do you think we don't eat at all; and in this life it is just something that is of temporary happiness or do you think it all has greater meaning ? I never really thought of the two simultaneously, because for me growing up, it was just something that was not done. Enjoying time together with someone while eating were two different things. "Children should be seen and not heard" was a common phrase and most certainly while you were eating, you were not to laugh, giggle or even talk. It was just how my family was. We spent a lot of time together, and a lot of it was spent eating. I could go on for hours on how my cousin Gary would order pancakes anywhere we went. It never mattered but he always made me giggle and no matter the situation, I would be held liable. For me, that made me like certain foods more. I tied them into my memories. Now if I even see a pancake, I think of Gary and all the times we once had, silly and fun, eating or not and what they meant to me.

  For me after all the thinking, it is now a matter that is settled ..... in our memories, food exists. It is a part of us as much as anything else and en grained into us as much as certain people are themselves. I had never thought of it before now. Certainly never taken the time to put the two together, but in all actuality .... YES, I think there has to be spaghetti, in Heaven. :)

Blessings, Tammie


  1. Love your post! I think there is all kinds of foods in Heaven.... we are to "come to the Banqueting Table".... lots of talk in the Bible about food, feasts and let's not forget the Wedding supper! I do not believe there will be any pickiness Heaven though.... ;-) My hope is that whatever we eat will never cause problems for us either.... :-)
