
Wednesday, December 16, 2009


To my friends over here at Multiply, as of January 1st, I think I will close out my page here as well as clean out my "friends" lists.  I just do not have the time to keep up here anymore and since all but 2 of you are with me over at Facebook, we can keep in touch there. FB is just so much easier and quicker and as for the occasional blog, I will write it in the "notes" section and post it there.

I am however not deleting my whole page here and before you ask what that means, it is mainly because of the older photos I have here. Like in past experiences it has saved me from losing many of the ones I had lost on my computer, I also thought that it would be nice to keep the 'blog' portion so someday I can look back at it.

But as for writing anything further, I will be doing it only over at Facebook. I hope to see you over there as I scale down, but if not, I have enjoyed your friendship .. God Bless.




  1. I hear you on not having the time!!! See you on FB!

  2. Glad to hear you are still staying on FB

  3. Ahem...am I one of those two!!!...Hehehe! Wink!

    Ok Ok...I opened up a Facebook Page again...just for you...I sent you an Invite...are you HAPPY now??!!...Hehehehe!..Just Teasing! I'll cya there! Hugs, Tammy (P.S...your card is in the mail!)

  4. I'm on FB ---Jim Btwentyfour Iknow how it is --don't do the FB like I should either ..send me an invite when you can --will sure miss you here ...HAve a merry Christmas

  5. Awwwwwww that makes me sad!! I like FB and sometimes spend way to much time over there but it's so not personal! People are just quick and don't seem to care as much. I was so excited when I found a few old friends and thought hey we can chat again but nope I was wrong. I am glad you still staying on FB but will miss you over here. I haven't been blogging as much but need to get back into doing it. I do miss commenting on peoples pages!!!
    Big hugs to you!!
